Online Learning Expands Access to Computer Science: How my VHS Learning Courses Helped Me Win an MIT Hackathon
From the desk of Jake Smith, High School Senior and VHS Learning student
As a young learner with an interest in STEM, I was eager to learn more about computer science and programming. However, as a student at a very small high school, my course options were limited, making it a challenge to access the STEM courses I wanted to explore. Despite this barrier, I was able to enroll in the computer science coursework I was seeking through VHS Learning, a nonprofit provider of online high school courses.
Discovering a passion for coding
My journey with coding began during my junior year when I took an honors Java programming course with VHS Learning. As a senior, I am currently enrolled in an online Python programming course. Having access to the rich content and instruction I received in these courses has ignited a passion for coding that I will continue to pursue into college, where I intend to major in electrical engineering.
I go to a very small school where there are only about 57 students in my class, meaning we have fairly limited course options. As a high school junior, I was committed to finding a way to explore my interest in programming, and one of the options at my school was VHS Learning.
VHS Learning wasn’t my first online learning experience, but the VHS Learning Java course was the first class I took that had a teacher and weekly discussions, which I found incredibly beneficial. The support system and the scheduling flexibility that VHS Learning provides has made a world of difference in my online learning experience.
My global learning experience
One of the coolest aspects of VHS Learning to me is its global student body. I’ve been able to connect with students from different time zones and countries, which made my courses feel just like an in-person learning environment. Over the duration of each course, I was able to get to know my classmates, share opinions, collaborate, and exchange feedback. This approach is very interactive and engaging, which has been enjoyable and has really added to my online learning experience.
Applying my knowledge at the MIT Hackathon
The flexibility of my VHS Learning courses enabled me to work at my own pace and truly absorb the knowledge I was gaining. This proved to be valuable when I recently participated in Blueprint 2024, a weekend-long learnathon and hackathon for high school students hosted by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). During the hackathon, we learned coding skills from MIT students, formed teams, and then worked on a computer science project with the support of a mentor.
The competition gave us about 12 hours to develop and program an application that helps people in their daily lives. Thinking of my grandmother, who lives alone and relies on a walker to move around, I was inspired to create something that would aid senior citizens in managing independent living. I consulted with my mother––a nurse with 25 years of experience––then teamed up with my peers to develop a sensor-enabled smart walker. Using ultrasonic sensors, the walker beeps and vibrates when close to an object. We also added a fall detection system that alerts someone if the walker tips over, potentially preventing falls, reducing hospital costs, and even saving lives.
The event was judged by a panel of MIT students, professors, and engineering professionals who selected the most innovative ideas as their top-ranked projects. Ultimately, our project won the hackathon, and I was able to connect with so many other passionate coders from all over the world.
Reflecting on my experience
Winning the Blueprint 2024 hackathon was a rewarding experience, and I am proud to have used my passion and knowledge to develop something innovative and useful. I am thankful for my experience in my VHS Learning coding classes, which played a significant role in my success.
My online courses prepared me to tackle complex challenges, begin coding my project, and understand how to make the sensor-enabled walker work. During my VHS Learning courses, I also gained the confidence and collaboration skills I needed to work effectively with my team.
To other students looking to fill in the gaps in their school’s curriculum, I highly recommend exploring online courses with VHS Learning. VHS Learning makes virtual learning enjoyable and allows students to explore their unique interests. Even if college isn’t in your plans, learning new things every day is essential. As I prepare to head off to college, I am grateful for my experience with VHS Learning and its role in helping me discover and nurture a passion of mine.