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Beat the Summer Heat: 5 Summer Activities for Lifelong Learners

Written by VHS Learning | Jul 15, 2024 6:45:00 PM

Summer vacation is finally here, and we hope you’re enjoying your well-deserved break! However, if you live in the continental U.S., you may be experiencing exceptionally hot weather this summer. Although it might be too hot to spend your time outside, there are many fun, relaxing, and engaging activities you can enjoy indoors this summer. Whether you’re a student on break, an educator seeking enrichment, or a curious individual eager to explore new subjects, summer is a great time to dive into activities that are both fun and educational.

Here are five summer activities you can do indoors to beat the summer heat:

  1. Read a book for fun
    Summer is such a great time to catch up on reading for leisure––or for learning! During summer break, you can finally read the books you want to read, and not just the ones you have to read for school. Your favorite fiction book series is always a good choice when reading for enjoyment. Or consider picking up an enriching nonfiction book to learn about something new, develop self-care and self-improvement practices, or discover writers’ personal stories and experiences.
  2. Listen to an interesting podcast
    Podcasts are a good way to listen to something entertaining and learn about interesting topics––all while you’re traveling, exercising, or doing a hobby. The options for podcasts are vast, from news, science, and history to pop culture, gossip, and comedy. For a fun and educational combo, we recommend Ologies with Alie Ward, which combines comedy with science to provide listeners with a deep-dive on hundreds of unique topics through the eyes of professionals in the field. If you’d rather listen to podcasts for professional development, check out our list of 10 influential K-12 education podcasts for educators.
  3. Watch a documentary or TED Talk
    On a really hot summer day, sometimes all you can do is turn up the air and watch a movie. For a little more enrichment, try watching a documentary or TED Talk for fun or to learn something new. The top 10 most popular TED Talks are a good place to start if you’re looking for powerful presentations to inspire you. Likewise, a documentary that’s good for the whole family, such as A Beautiful Planet, My Octopus Teacher, or Kindness Is Contagious, are all sure to keep you entertained while you relax and escape the summer heat!
  4. Learn something new
    Summer break is the perfect length of time to dive into a course and learn a new skill or build upon your current knowledge. Learn more about your favorite hobby, like art or music, by watching free YouTube tutorials or signing up for an eLearning hobby course. For high schoolers, VHS Learning always has a variety of engaging and unique online summer courses that not only will teach you something new, but also will provide you with course credit. No matter what it is you’re passionate about, spending time on your interests is a great way to learn and grow!
  5. Play a board game or work on a puzzle
    When you’ve got to entertain the whole family on a hot day, a board game or puzzle can be a fun way to get everyone involved. Some family favorites include Catan, a simple strategy game, or Wavelength, a fast-paced party game. Check out this ranking of top family board games curated by CNET for more ideas. In addition, puzzling is a great way to keep your mind active, even on vacation––studies show that working on jigsaw puzzles taps into multiple cognitive abilities and may protect the brain from certain signs of aging.

As the summer heat blazes outside, it’s essential to find ways to stay cool and engaged indoors. These activities provide the perfect blend of relaxation and mental stimulation, ensuring your summer break is both enjoyable and enriching.

Happy summer from VHS Learning!